Mitchell – Who we hired (rented) our campervan from. We went from the camper on the right to the van on the left! A bit tighter fit, but a lot easier on the wallet..
Meeting up with some friends parents in New Zealand is priceless! We loved staying with the Grays & seeing the way the Kiwis live!
Meeting the cows at the Gray’s house.
Kiwi Grandparents! Well, almost! The Grays showing us their property.
The girls just went swimming in this river – then Mr. Gray called the eels out of their holes! 🙂
Fresh water eels with the Grays!
Ummmm… really? This is how a family of 5 is going to camp for 2 months? ok…
Wetsuit tag. Raglan – a very well-known surf spot on the North Island.
Dad being Dad. Channeling his inner hick.
Kawhia campsite – our camp is on the left.
Homeschooling in the sunshine
Kawhia beach has hot springs that come up at the beach. If you go down on low tide you can dig until you find the warm water bubbling up! Dig your hole & you have a jacuzzi on the beach!
Glow worm cave!
Watching a crazy rafting trip come down the waterfall!
We loved meeting so many fun travelers! These are some friends we met from Australia!
Playing with Billy (our Ozzie friend) on the beach!
When your campsite has a pizza oven – you use it!!!
Gorgeous hike to a gorgeous beach! Waihi Beach
“stone fruit” any fruit with a stone (aka seed) I love me some fruit stands!
This is how we decide what to do… get all the brochures & then vote! Rotorua!
Learning how the Maori’s live!
Hot Springs at the Maori village – this is how they bathe.
Blue Penguins – at the aquarium. We got to see some wild on the South Island.
Gorgeous view looking over Rotorua!
Luging in Rotorua!
Zorbing, when you put yourself inside of a ball and are tossed down a hill. AKA human hamster.
Sometimes things fall on your head when you are driving… Thats what happens when you have too much stuffed into a VW.
Small “walk” to the top of the mountian. Mt. Maunganui
Crazy Sheep we encountered on our “walk” aka hike.
The girls found a troll house on our “walk”
Swinging into the cold cold river!
Mt. Tongariro
Sledding on plastic on Mt. Tongariro
Heading up on the chairlift!
Best Santa EVER!!! Notice the toilet paper over the boot edges!
Ladies Mud Bath day!
When you find out that the surf is over 12ft high for your Ferry to the South island…
You drug everyone so they sleep and don’t get seasick!